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10月 17, 2016

The Surfjack’s must Instagram Pool will make you feel like a Kid Again

The best of where to stay, wine and dine in Honolulu

In this article, Los Angeles Times editor Jenn Harris dishes up her tips on how to spend a few nights in Honolulu, including the Surfjack’s must Instagram pool. Here’s what she had to say about her stay at the Surfjack Hotel & Swim Club:

We stayed at the Surfjack Hotel & Swim Club, a recently renovated boutique hotel about a half mile from the beach. The must-Instagram pool (the words “Wish You Were Here” are written in tile along the bottom) and the sleek Midcentury decor made us feel like cool kids. We loved the free snacks and nightly movie screenings at the pool.

Click here to read the full article.

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