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10月 21, 2016

Mahina & Sun’s Mr. Pink Cocktail will show you Vodka in a New Light

Vodka Cocktail Recipes We Can't Wait to Try

Marie Claire editor Alanna Greco thinks Mahina & Sun’s signature vodka cocktail, Mr. Pink, is just what you need to taste to see vodka in a whole new light.

Here’s an excerpt of her article:

There’s so much more to vodka than those cringe-y college shots.

Poor vodka, so often relegated to the boring old “I’m watching my calories” vodka soda category or the sloppy vodka shots of college days past. Now that we’re all adults, can we give vodka—the perfect mixing spirit—the treatment it deserves? Behold, here are a few exemplary cocktail recipes to try at home, so you’ll never think of the clear stuff the same way again.

Click here to read the full article.

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