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Medium White Tee: The t-shirt shack Obama dreamed of opening in Hawaii

1月 19, 2017 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us for an exclusive talk story session at Surfjack on the eve of Inauguration Day. Brooklyn artist Emily Spivack and local organizer Stephanie Hsu will discuss Medium White Tee, the exciting month-long pop-up “shack” and art installation. Recently launched at Ward Centre in partnership with the Honolulu Museum of Art, the installation celebrates President Obama and his accomplishments.

The idea for Medium White Tee initially came to Emily after reading a New York Times article over the summer. The article recalled the dream Obama and Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel would often joke about: opening a T-shirt shack in Hawaii, where they would only sell shirts in one size (medium) and one color (white), so they would no longer have to make another job-related decision. On January 11, Medium White Tee will become a reality and open for the first time at Ward Centre. The talk story session will go over the installations launch and conceptualization, but also its relevancy within the context of Hawaii, alternative markets and architecture. In honor of the president’s recent visit to Surfjack’s restaurant and his drink of choice (with extra olives), Mahina & Sun’s will also be serving a new cocktail: the Presidential Martini.

For more information on its grand opening, installation hours, collaborators/benefactors or to volunteer at the shop or purchase a shirt online, visit MediumWhiteTee.com


1月 19, 2017
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Surfjack
412 Lewers Street
Honolulu, 96815 United States
(808) 923-8882
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